Jan Schröder

Class LvSort - ListView with a sorter in C#

The C# class LvSort is adding sort functionality to the inherited class "ListView" by implementing a non case sensitive IComparer and visualizes the sort order by drawing an appropriate triangle in the sorting column header. It also adds the missing events "Scroll" and "Paint". 


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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Drawing;
namespace SI.Controls
    public class LvSort : System.Windows.Forms.ListView
#region Description
    // class     LvSort
    // Author    Jan Schröder
    //           Schröder Informatik
    //           www.SchroederInformatik.de
    // Version   1.0.4
    // Date      05/05/24
    // This class is adding sort functionality to the inherited class "ListView" by
    // implementing a non case sensitive IComparer and visualizes the sort order by drawing
    // an appropriate triangle in the sorting column header.
    // It also adds the missing events "Scroll" and "Paint".
    // Use this class as follows:
    // 1. Copy "LvSort.cs" to your project.
    // 2. Add a "System.Windows.Forms.ListView" to your form.
    // 3. Replace "System.Windows.Forms.ListView" with "SI.Controls.LvSort" in
    //    the generated Code.
    // The advantage of this kind of usage is, you will not have to deploy an additional DLL,
    // all code will be part of your executable.
    // Versions:
    // 1.0.0 05/03/02    First Version
    // 1.0.1 05/03/05    LblMeasureHeader.Font = MyListViewValue.Font in
    //                   ListViewColumnSorter.VisualizeOrder
    // 1.0.2 05/03/08    Invoking sort method when setting SortColum or Order, so setting one
    //                   of these properties (i.e. in a forms load event) will cause sorting.
    //                   Tip: To avoid an unnecessary sort, set Order to "none" before
    //                   setting the SortColumn and then Order to "ascending" or
    //                   "descending".
    //                   If you want to sort the list view by the fist two columns, notice
    //                   the following sequence:
    //                   1. ListView1.Order = SortOrder.None;
    //                   2. ListView1.SortColumn = 1;
    //                   3. ListView1.Order = SortOrder.Ascending;
    //                   4. ListView1.SortColumn = 0;
    //                   After step 2 there will be no sorting, because Order = None. After
    //                   step 3 the list view will be sorted by column 1 in ascending order.
    //                   After step 4 the list view will be sorted by column 0 in ascending
    //                   order and if there are items with identical text in column 0, they
    //                   will be sorted by column 1.
    // 1.0.3 05/03/08    base.ListViewItemSorter = null in properties Order and
    //                   SortColumn to avoid unnecessary sorting when loading the view.
    //                   To do so, Order has to be set to none or SortColumn to -1.
    // 1.0.4 05/05/24    Translation from VB into C#
#region Constructors
    public LvSort()
      base.ColumnClick += new ColumnClickEventHandler(MyBase_ColumnClick);
      LvwColumnSorter = new ListViewColumnSorter(this);
#region Data definition
    public string  FixedStringForLastItem
      // Fixed string for the last item, so it will stay the last item
      get {
        return LvwColumnSorter.FixedStringForLastItem;
      set {
        // The IComparer has to know that
        LvwColumnSorter.FixedStringForLastItem = value;
    public int SortColumn
      // Index of sort column
      get {
        return LvwColumnSorter.SortColumn;
      set {
        // Put it through to IComparer
        LvwColumnSorter.SortColumn = value;
        // Let's do it
        if ( LvwColumnSorter.Order == SortOrder.None ) {
          base.ListViewItemSorter = null;
        } else {
          if ( base.ListViewItemSorter == null ) {
            base.ListViewItemSorter = LvwColumnSorter;
          } else {
    public SortOrder Order
      // Sort order (none, ascending or descending)
        return LvwColumnSorter.Order;
        // Last information needed for IComparer
        LvwColumnSorter.Order = value;
        if ( value == SortOrder.None )
          if ( LvwColumnSorter.SortColumn > -1 )
            // Setting the text causes a repaint of the header
            base.Columns[LvwColumnSorter.SortColumn].Text =
            // if there has been a triangle from a previous sorting,
            // it is now deleted
          LvwColumnSorter.SortColumn = -1;
        // Let's do it
        if ( LvwColumnSorter.SortColumn == -1 )
          base.ListViewItemSorter = null;
          if ( base.ListViewItemSorter == null )
            base.ListViewItemSorter = LvwColumnSorter;
    private LvlListenerClass LvlListener;
    private HdrListenerClass HdrListener;
    private ListViewColumnSorter LvwColumnSorter;
#region event handling
    public event EventHandler Scroll;
    public event EventHandler MyPaint;
        private class LvlListenerClass : NativeWindow
            // Listen for operating system messages to raise the events
            // "Scroll" or "Paint" for the ListView
            public event EventHandler Scroll;
            public event EventHandler MyPaint;
            private const int WM_HSCROLL = 0x114;
            private const int WM_VSCROLL = 0x115;
            private const int WM_PAINT = 0xF;
      private Control CtrlValue;
      public LvlListenerClass(Control Ctrl)
        CtrlValue = Ctrl;
      protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
        base.WndProc(ref m);
        if ( m.Msg == WM_HSCROLL || m.Msg == WM_VSCROLL ) {
          Scroll(CtrlValue, new EventArgs());
        if ( m.Msg == WM_PAINT ) {
          MyPaint(CtrlValue, new EventArgs());
    private class HdrListenerClass : NativeWindow {
            // Listen for operating system messages to raise the event
            // "HaederPaint", when the column headers are to be painted.
            // On this event, a triangle, symbolizing sort order and
            // column is to be drawn.
            public event EventHandler HaederPaint;
            private const int WM_PAINT = 0xF;
            private Control CtrlValue;
      public HdrListenerClass( Control Ctrl,  System.IntPtr HeaderHandle)
                CtrlValue = Ctrl;
      protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
        base.WndProc(ref m);
        if ( m.Msg == WM_PAINT ) {
          HaederPaint(CtrlValue, new EventArgs());
    protected override void OnHandleCreated( EventArgs e)
      // Now it's the right time to do some initializations
      if (! this.DesignMode ) {
        LvlListener = new LvlListenerClass(this);
        LvlListener.MyPaint += new EventHandler(LvlListener_Paint);
        LvlListener.Scroll += new  EventHandler(LvlListener_Scroll);
        HdrListener = new HdrListenerClass(this, LvwColumnSorter.HeaderHandle);
        HdrListener.HaederPaint += new EventHandler(HdrListener_HaederPaint);
    private void LvlListener_Paint(object sender, EventArgs e)
      // Make this event public
      if (MyPaint != null){MyPaint(sender, e);}
    private void LvlListener_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Make this event public
      if (Scroll != null){Scroll(sender, e);}
    private void HdrListener_HaederPaint(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // The column headers has been painted, so draw the sort triangle
    private void MyBase_ColumnClick(object sender,
      System.Windows.Forms.ColumnClickEventArgs e)
            // The user wants to sort the list view items
            if ((e.Column == SortColumn) ) {
                // The column has been clicked twice, so switch the sort order
                if ((Order == SortOrder.Ascending) ) {
                    Order = SortOrder.Descending;
                } else {
                    Order = SortOrder.Ascending;
            } else {
                // It has to be sort ascending by the column
                SortColumn = e.Column;
                Order = SortOrder.Ascending;
#region API stuff
        // The API function ChildWindowFromPoint is used to find out the window handle of
        // the columns header.
    [DllImport("user32")] public static extern System.IntPtr
      ChildWindowFromPoint(System.IntPtr hwnd, int xPoint, int yPoint);
#region Subroutines and functions
        private class ListViewColumnSorter : System.Collections.IComparer
            // This class implements an non case sensitve IComparer for
            // sorting items in a ListView
            private int ColumnToSort;
            private SortOrder OrderOfSort;
            private CaseInsensitiveComparer ObjectCompare;
            private string FixedStringForLastItemValue;
            private LvSort MyListViewValue;
      public ListViewColumnSorter(LvSort MyListView)
                ColumnToSort = 0;
                OrderOfSort = SortOrder.None;
                ObjectCompare = new CaseInsensitiveComparer();
                MyListViewValue = MyListView;
      public string FixedStringForLastItem
                // Fixed string for the last item, so it will stay the last item
                get {
                    return FixedStringForLastItemValue;
                set {
                    FixedStringForLastItemValue = value;
      public int SortColumn
                // Index of sort column
                set {
                    ColumnToSort = value;
                get {
                    return ColumnToSort;
      public SortOrder Order
                // Sort order (none, ascending or descending)
                set {
                    OrderOfSort = value;
                get {
                    return OrderOfSort;
      public System.IntPtr HeaderHandle
                // The handle of the columns header
                get {
                    return HeaderHandleValue;
      public void GetHeaderHandle()
                // Find out the handle of the columns header
                HeaderHandleValue =
          ChildWindowFromPoint(MyListViewValue.Handle, 5, 5);
      public int Compare(object a, object b)
                // Using a case insensitive comparer to compare the Text of
                // two list view items
                if ( OrderOfSort == SortOrder.None ) {
                    // return 0 means that both items are equal, so no
                    // change of the sequence will occure
                    return 0;
                int Result;
                ListViewItem LvIa = (ListViewItem) a;
                ListViewItem LvIb = (ListViewItem) b;
                string  Ca = LvIa.SubItems[ColumnToSort].Text;
                string  Cb = LvIb.SubItems[ColumnToSort].Text;
                // Compare the two strings
                Result = ObjectCompare.Compare(Ca, Cb);
                if ( FixedStringForLastItemValue == null ) {
                    // nothing
                } else {
                    if ( Cb == FixedStringForLastItemValue ) {
                        return -1;
                // if ( the strings contains numbers, correct the sequence. for example:
                // 3, 20, 1 has to be sorted as 1, 3, 20 and not 1, 20, 3
        Double Da, Db;
          Da = Double.Parse(Ca);
          Db = Double.Parse(Cb);
          if ( Result != 0 )
            if ( Da > Db )
              Result = 1;
              Result = -1;
          // Ca or Cb are not numeric ==> nothing to do
                // The return value depends on the sort order
        if ( OrderOfSort == SortOrder.Descending)
          // Descending sort is desired, compare result is to be
          // turned in the negative
          Result = -Result;
        return Result;
      public void VisualizeOrder()
                // The sort column and order are visualized by a little triangle,
                // which is to be drawn right to the columns name
                if ( ColumnToSort == -1 ) {
                // Draw the triangle in the header. Before that,
                // make theold triangle invisible. After that, store the
                // position of the triangle for usage at the next time.
                if ( SortColumnOld > -1 && SortColumnOld != ColumnToSort ) {
                    // Setting the text causes a repaint of the header
                    MyListViewValue.Columns[SortColumnOld].Text =
                if ( OrderOfSort == SortOrder.None ) {
                    SortColumnOld = -1;
                } else {
                    Graphics Grx;
                    Grx = Graphics.FromHwnd(HeaderHandle);
                    Label  LblMeasureHeader = new Label();
                    LblMeasureHeader.Font = MyListViewValue.Font;
                    LblMeasureHeader.AutoSize = true;
                    if ( MyListViewValue.Columns[ColumnToSort].TextAlign !=
            HorizontalAlignment.Left ) {
                        if ( MyListViewValue.Columns[ColumnToSort].Text.TrimEnd() ==
              MyListViewValue.Columns[ColumnToSort].Text ) {
                            MyListViewValue.Columns[ColumnToSort].Text += "     ";
                    LblMeasureHeader.Text = MyListViewValue.Columns[ColumnToSort].Text;
                    int x, y, i;
                    Point[] Triangle = new Point[3];
                    // Evaluate the length of the Name
                    x = LblMeasureHeader.Width + 13;
                    // Keep a minimum distance of the right bounce
                    if ( x + 15 > MyListViewValue.Columns[ColumnToSort].Width ) {
                        x = MyListViewValue.Columns[ColumnToSort].Width - 13;
                    // Sum the width of all columns left to the sort column
                    for (i = 0; (i < ColumnToSort); i++)
                        x += MyListViewValue.Columns[i].Width;
                    // Top is determined by the text height
                    y = LblMeasureHeader.Height / 2 + 2;
                    // The three points of the triangle are depending on
                    // the sort order
                    if ( OrderOfSort == SortOrder.Ascending ) {
                        Triangle[0].X = x - 1;
                        Triangle[0].Y = y + 4;
                        Triangle[1].X = x + 9;
                        Triangle[1].Y = y + 4;
                        Triangle[2].X = x + 4;
                        Triangle[2].Y = y - 2;
                    } else {
                        Triangle[0].X = x;
                        Triangle[0].Y = y - 1;
                        Triangle[1].X = x + 9;
                        Triangle[1].Y = y - 1;
                        Triangle[2].X = x + 4;
                        Triangle[2].Y = y + 4;
                    Grx.FillPolygon(SystemBrushes.ControlDark, Triangle);
                    SortColumnOld = ColumnToSort;
            private int SortColumnOld = -1;
            private System.IntPtr HeaderHandleValue;

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